The PP&C Tax team is recognized for its competence in tax and complex issues and is made up of specialists with solid experience in the tax and corporate sectors.
Tax and Corporate Planning
Tax and corporate planning work depends on the correct assessment of numerous variables, such as: business purpose, logistics, investments, corporate objectives and asset protection, always considering the possibilities of using tax advantages in Brazil and abroad.
PP&C believes that the absence of excellent tax planning in today’s corporate world directly affects the competitiveness and success of your business:
Is your company based in the best country, state or city?
Are all the available tax benefits used?
Have all tax incentives related to imports and exports of inputs and goods been analyzed?
Have the businesses been effectively separated?
Has the best tax regime been analyzed?
What is the business structure of your competitors?
Does the structure of the companies provide any kind of asset protection?
Tax Compliance
Review of the controls and procedures adopted for calculating and paying taxes and complying with ancillary obligations. The purpose of the services is to assess whether internal controls (rules, policies, document and information flows, people, systems, among others) ensure correct compliance with current tax regulations.
The audit of tax procedures is a preventive work aimed at mitigating significant risks of tax assessments and/or failure to use the tax benefits provided for in the law.
The preventive review covers all taxes: PIS, COFINS, IRPJ, CSLL, IPI, ICMS, ICMS ST, ISSQN, tax withholding, etc.
Ongoing Tax Consulting
Ongoing consulting services for the study and clarification of questions about tax that arise in the day-to-day running of companies. TAX teams are prepared to understand your questions and problems according to the particularities of your business and issue customized responses for each situation.
Ongoing tax consulting is essential for a correct understanding of the changes in law and the solution of the countless tax problems that have repercussions on all the other departments of each company (commercial, logistics, finance, accounting, personnel, legal, etc.).
A company that doesn’t have ongoing tax consulting tends to be out of date and miss out on opportunities compared to its competitors.
Survey of tax credits and opportunities
Considering the constant changes in tax legislation and case law, several companies fail to observe all taxable opportunities they can benefit from. The services include an analytical mapping of all tax opportunities, with the aim of identifying and maximizing tax savings. In addition to identifying countless opportunities, the work includes comprehensive advice on the feasibility and formalization of extemporary credits.
PP&C only offers tax planning opportunities that are expressly provided for in the tax rules and/or have a strong favorable position in the administrative and judicial spheres.
Transfer Price
Brazilian law on transfer pricing is one of the most complex and specific in the world. Compliance with transfer pricing rules requires in-depth knowledge of the law and extensive experience in meeting the requirements demanded by the tax authorities. The work includes reviewing and preparing transfer pricing calculations, through comparative analysis of eligible methods, with a view to identifying the lowest tax impact.
PP&C has a global presence, which enables itself to carry out complex transfer pricing studies.
Electronic cross-checks and auditing of ancillary obligations
States, cities, the Federal District and the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service, with the aim of speeding up and expanding tax action, are investing in the standardization of accounting and tax information, seeking to use electronic systems that make it easier to validate the assessment of taxes and the information provided by taxpayers.
In order to keep up with these developments, companies must prepare and submit various pieces of information such as: FISCAL SPED, ACCOUNTING SPED, CONTRIBUTION SPED, and also fulfill various tax obligations, such as: DCTF, DIPJ replaced by ECF, FCONT, GIAs, DIRF, DIMOB and countless others.
In line with this new reality and seeking to provide yet another important service to its clients, PP&C has developed an auditing system that enables the prior analysis of the information contained in the various tax obligations and electronic files submitted by companies to the tax authorities, making it possible to evaluate the data contained in the files and declarations beforehand or afterwards.
PP&C system carries out hundreds of analyses and comparisons between the various files and information, with the aim of ensuring that this information is consistent, identifying opportunities for improvement or situations that should be dealt with by the company in advance and avoiding possible inspections.
Managing tax liabilities
PP&C has a highly specialized and qualified team in tax advisory services and can help your company with this important challenge related to managing your tax debt, such as the following items:
Survey and calculation of all tax liabilities (Federal, State and Municipal);
Review and rectification of all ancillary obligations, with a view to correct transparency when confessing debts;
Update of all debts, with the correct addition of fines and interest;
Calculation of balances remaining from previous installment plans;
Comparative analysis of possible tax savings in the case of migration from installment plans;
Calculation of balances that must be paid in advance;
Simulation of all financial disbursements until the installment plan is settled; and
Complete advisory on joining installment plans.
Review and Preparation of Bookkeeping (ECF)
DIPJ and LALUR have been replaced since 2015 by ECF, which is an important ancillary obligation designed to electronically demonstrate the calculation of IRPJ and CSLL. Thus, tax authorities now have access to the analytical calculation of these taxes and their perfect cross-referencing with accounting, which is also digital. Its correct completion is essential for calculating and formalizing IRPJ and CSLL debits and credits. The ECF requires hundreds of pieces of information, which have a complex possibility of internal cross-referencing with other ancillary obligations, for example: PER/DCOMP, DCTF and ACCOUNTING SPED, etc.
Any non-compliance in filling in the ECF will result in notices and tax assessments being issued electronically by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.
PP&C’s Tax team has specialists who are able to help their clients with the ECF.
Outsourcing (Direct Tax)
PP&C’s team of specialists is able to outsource activities related to the calculation of your organization’s direct taxes, providing efficiency and effectiveness in one of the most complex tax challenges facing organizations today.
Review and Preparation of Individual Income Tax Returns
PP&C has a highly specialized team with huge experience in reviewing and preparing Individual Income Tax Returns (DIRPF), especially for people who have large assets and income in Brazil and abroad.
PP&C’s experience also makes it qualified to advise on complex issues related to tax planning involving international transactions carried out alone by an individual or jointly with a legal entity.
The correct completion of the DIRPF is fundamental for correct transparency and compliance with the rules of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.